Online Doctor Finder Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming
Abstract / Introduction
“OnlineDoctorFinder” application will help find specialist match according to user’s need. It will maintain record of doctors, hospitals and appointments. It will help users to search doctors’ directory online by Name, Area and their specialty. System will show details of Doctors according to search criteria. User may also add reviews against a doctor. User may be able to see detailed data of doctor including available days and timings of different hospitals. The system will facilitate registered user (member) to book appointment according to doctor’s timings.
A doctor will be able to see details of his/her daily appointments. System will allow doctors to manage their record and handle appointments.
Functional Requirements:
- Admin will be able to register doctors
- Admin will be able to manage records of hospitals, doctors and appointments
- User will be able to search specialist according to categories(allopathic, Homeopathic and Holistic doctors) ,area and specialty
- System will show detailed information of doctor
- User will able to add reviews for a doctor
- A user will able to register as member
- A member will be able to book appointment
- A doctor(user) will be able to update their record
- A doctor will be able to check his/her daily appointment
Tools: Framework, C Sharp, SQL server etc
Name: Madeeha Rashid
Email ID: Skype ID: