Online Support System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable
Project Domain / Category
Web-based Application
The Online Support System will provide an interface through which users can post the details of problem for which they need assistance. The status of the reported problem will be PENDING. The admin will assign an engineer to resolve the reported issue and update the problem status to ASSIGNED. The engineer will resolve the issue and mark the problem status as CLOSED.
Functional Requirements:
Three types of users will be using this application.
- The application will provide Signup and Login
- User can post the problem details for which assistance is needed. The status of reported problem will be set as
- User can view the list of problems reported by him/her.
- User can track the status of his/her reported
- The application will provide Login
- Admin will manage (add/update/delete) User and Engineer
- Admin can view the list of all reported problems with their
- Admin will assign a reported problem to an engineer and update the problem status to ASSIGNED.
- Admin can track the status of all reported
- The application will provide Login
- Engineer can see the list of all problems (with their status) assigned to him/her.
- Engineer will fix/resolve the issue, add comments and update the problem status to CLOSED.
Tools: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL
Name: Muhammad Zafar Nazir Email ID: Skype ID: mzafarnazir