Network White-Box(NWB) Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable
Project Domain / Category
- Network Systems
Virtualization of various network functions is indeed vital journey towards software defined networking (SDN). Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is supposed to allow network enabled applications to control or interact various functions and resources on the network devices as per their requirement. This project requires an implementation of virtual environment that will provide certain network functionality to be configured on demand and as required. White box is term used to refer to a physical machine that can be deployed on network function demand (DONFD).
Functional Requirements:
Project requirements are divided into two phases:
Phase -1
- Project team needs to conduct research to understand SDN, NFV and other network related virtualization
- Team needs to identify various network functionalities that can be visualized or can be configured on demand (COD)
- Team Needs to identify what technologies or platforms solutions can be used to implement White-box
- Team shall deliver a research paper on above
- Team shall choose one of the their favorite option to implement and demonstrate the Network White-box.
- Vital Network Functions under this project are a.DHCP
e.L3 Router
Student can use any platform of choice, any software tools of choice, however these needs to be documented in the project documentation.
Virtualization Tools (OCI/VM/Kubernetes/rkt etc.)
Operating Systems: Linux/Unix/WIN (Debian, Ubuntu/Kubuntu , etc.) Unix Systems Programming: C/C++/Any
Server side programming/Scripting language: PHP/ASP/ SHELL/PERL/PYTHON/JS/ANY Scripting and styling languages: SHELL/PERL/PYTHON/JS/ANY
Client side scripting: JavaScript/JQuery/Any Database: MYSQL/MSSQL/Any IDE: ECLIPSE/Any
Local host Server: LAMP/WAMP/Any Custom Setup
Name: Arif Husen
Email ID: Skype ID: