Network Application Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable
Project Domain / Category
XYZ is an NGO working for IDPs healthcare, food and shelter. This organization has its main office in Islamabad and sub office in Peshawar. Field Officers and workers collect data of the IDPs. The data is provided to sub office which is shared later on with main office. Both the offices maintain site to site vpn for security reason.
The Main office has Domain Controller while the sub office maintains Additional Domain Controller. User accounts login and access rights are managed by Domain Controller. User of main office can have the facility to login with his/ her user name and password in sub office and vice versa.
Data Communication is done via different platforms like email server, video conferencing, ftp server and web server.
Employees emails are handled by organizations own email server (Exchange server latest version)
Develop a complete functional and secure network for both offices for the given scenario. The network environment should have a suitable level of security and access control.
Functional Requirements:
- Installation and configuration of Network and servers
- Installation of Domain Controller and Additional Domain Controller
- Installation and configuration of workstations printers and other necessary equipment
- User accounts
- Policies Implementation
- A suitable level of security and access control for the
- Installation and configuration of VPN server
- Email server(Exchange Server) to manage employee emails
- Installation and configuration of the DNS Server for active directory
- Installation and configuration of the web server
- Installation and configuration of the ftp server
- Taking Backups of the network and email server(Exchange server )
- Configure a mapped network drive for each user (must reflect each user’s directory on the
- Install client operating system
- Enabling Admin to login to the system
- Enabling users to login to the system
- Enabling each user to have access to their mapped network drive
- Allowing the client workstation to administer the server (i.e. access Active Directory Users and Computers, Group Policy, )
- Enable the client workstation to access Group
- video conferencing
Project requirements:
Windows Server 2012 R Operating System, powerful desktop machine is preferred for email server(Exchange Server) having RAM 32 GB, Hard Drive 200 GB and processor core i7.
PCs, routers, switches, cables.
Any networking tool or simulator that fully supports your project requirements. Some optional tools are GNS3, Virtual Box, VM Workstation, NS2
Name: Muhammad Luqman Email Skype ID: