Online Alumni Portal Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable
Project Domain / Category
Web Application
Abstract / Introduction
Alumni are the former students who have graduated from the college/university. Keeping track of alumni is crucial for an educational institute to maintain contact with its graduates. Therefore, a college/university requires management of the records of its alumni. This project requires developing an online alumni management system which should be able to: manage the records of alumni, search alumni on the basis of different criteria like degree program, batch etc.
Functional Requirements
The application should have the following functional requirements:
- The admin should be able to manage records of the alumni
- The alumni themselves should be able to update their record information like current occupation, contact information, social networking info.
- All other users should be able to search the alumni information database on the basis of different search
ASP.Net, SQL Server, PHP, MySQL Server etc. or any Web development tool and its relevant DBMS
Name: Hasnain Ahmed
Email ID: Skype ID: hasnain.bukhari