Online Student-Teacher Meeting Scheduler Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable
Project Domain / Category
Web-based Application
The application will provide an interface through which teachers can post weekly detail of their available free time. This information will then be visible to the students and they can reserve a slot of 30 minutes for the meeting. Before reserving the meeting slot, it is made sure that no other student has reserved same slot. A slot cannot be reserved on the same day or after that.
Teachers can view the list of upcoming and previous meetings.
Functional Requirements:
Three types of users will be using this application.
- The application will provide Login
- Admin can add/update/delete Teacher and Student
- Admin can assign students to A teacher can have many students but same student cannot be assigned to two teachers.
- Admin can view the list of all reserved
- The application will provide Login
- Teacher can post weekly detail of available free time. It should be of upcoming
- Teacher can view the list of students under his/her
- Teacher can view the list of upcoming and previous reserved
- The application will provide Login
- Student can view the list of available free time and can reserve meeting slot of 30 A slot cannot be reserved on the same day or after that.It should be taken care that same time slot on a particular day for a particular teacher is not assigned to two or more students.
- Students can view the list of upcoming and previous meetings reserved by
Tools: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL
Name: Muhammad Zafar Nazir Email ID: Skype ID: mzafarnazir