Social Finder Application Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Social Finder Application Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Design Sphere/ Order Mobile Apps
Abstract/ Preface
In the once couple of decades there has been a lot of debate and conversations about social network and media platforms. Both of these platforms have revolutionized the way people partake their studies, interest, conditioning and interact with each other around the globe. Operations like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, what’s app, LinkedIn, YouTubeetc. are a medium for the people to use both of these social platforms. Student’s task will be to develop a social app called “ Intelligent social finder app”. The app main focus will be to suggest musketeers to the druggies of the operations grounded on their conditioning, collective/ common pursuits, relish, interest, age group, background etc. This operation will correspond of three modules. Each module will have its own set of conditions. The main conditions of the operation are shown below
Functional Conditions
Module 1
• Operation will give the stoner an interface for creating his/ her Account.
• The stoner will be suitable to login to the operation after creating his/ her account.
• Operation will give the stoner an option to Manage ( modernize, cancel) information from his/ her profile.
• Operation should have an option to change its theme, background colour, fountain, fountain sizeetc.
Module 2
• The operation will give an option to its stoner to search or view the profile of other druggies and shoot requests to them.
• The stoner can partake content, vids, images etc on the Homepage of the Account. So other stoner can like reply or note on the participated content. (This demand should be kindly analogous to what operations like Facebook, Instagram etc has)
. • The operation should also give the stoner an option of having Instant Messaging with his/ her musketeers.
Module 3
• The operation will be suitable to suggest musketeers to the stoner grounded on his/ her conditioning, collective/ common pursuits, relish, interest, age group, Study backgroundetc.
Note Scholars can also add further conditions into the app and customize it to make it more refined.
Languages Java, Kotlin,C#, Dart, Swift or any other programming language
. Fabrics Reply, Reply Native, Flutter, IOS or any other ultramodern frame
. IDE Android Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio etc. Database (Preferred One) Firebase etc.

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