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Event Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable
Abstract / Introduction
Suppose we have a project named “Event Management System”. In this project, we have a website that manages public events e.g gatherings, concerts, educational events, etc. Registered users (event organizers) can post upcoming events and other registered users can show their interest in a particular event. Users can also contact a particular event organizer and have chat with him/her. Event organizers should have a proper profile so that anyone can see their profile and contact them. This project also contains an admin panel that contains all the information regarding the events, event organizers, and users. Admin will also contain the special rights to modify any information.
Functional Requirements:
10.Admin should be able to manage the events (Block, update, delete).
11.All statistics related to the events should be displayed on the admin panel.
Tools and Technologies:
PhpStorm/Visual Studio code, Xampp, Laravel/Codeignitore (Framework), PHP, JavaScript
Name: Hafiz Bilal Saqib