Virtual Tuition Management System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable
Project Domain / Category Web Based Application
Current mode of tuition is either home tuition service or joining a tuition academy for doing tuition. Problem with this system is the limited availability of high class tutors who are gurus in their subject.
Virtual Tuition Management (VTM) system is a system that provides the services of tuition over the internet. The proposed system will provide a virtual communication channel between students and the tutor over the internet. Students that have no or less access to high quality tutor related to their subject can take benefit of this system.
Functional Requirements:
Virtual Tuition Management (VTM) will be a web based application providing following tasks:
- User Management
Five types of users will interact with this system:
- Administrator
- Accountant
- Teacher (Tutor)
- Student
- Parents
Administrator will perform all management related activities. Teachers will register and build their profile. After verification, the tutor performs other activities according to his requirements. Students will register and can select tutor for tuition according to their requirements. Parents can view the progress of his child.
- Schedule Management
Schedule management is performing at different levels. At first level the tutor will advertise his availability timing. Administrator will advertise final schedule after students in particular course tuition is finalized.
- Financial Management
Financial management will be done by accountant. This module includes the management of tuition fee of the student and teachers pay accordingly.
- Resource Management
Resource management includes the activities related to resources required for tuition i.e. a teacher may upload some material related to course tuition.
- Test management
This module will allow teacher to take quiz or other assessment mechanism in order to test the learning of the students accordingly.
- Announcements
This module will deals will all the announcement related to class schedule, vacations, and so on.
ASP.Net, SQL Server
Name: Muhammad Ibrahim
Email ID: Skype ID: ibrahimmayar