Android Based Tourist Guide Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Android Based Tourist Guide Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Mobile Application.
Abstract/ Preface
Now-a-days there are numerous operations which helps stoner to give results to numerous problems related to their diurnal life. Northern areas are one of the regions which have a eventuality of tourism in Pakistan. In recent leaves, over2.7 million people visited Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa for the purpose of tourism. Due to the lack of streamlined information, excursionists aren’t be suitable to visit all tourism magnet spots. Android Based Tourist Guide provides a result to the problems that the excursionists faced during their visit. Android Based Tourist companion replace the old way of tourism companion. Mobile grounded stint companion system allows them to get the demanded information at any time, from anywhere. The main ideal of this design is to replace paper- grounded stint companion with mobile operation and to give the information that they demanded ahead and during visits without missing lodestones.
Functional Conditions
Modules in Operation
1. Stoner Module Via stoner module, stoner can make account into the operation and can use it for unborn purpose and also get rearmost updates completely.
2. Booklet Module In this module, all the information is viewed via this module and stoner can pierce this module through their account.
a. Sub Module.
i. Position of different spots
ii. Position of hospices
iii. Culture and values of the region iv. Detect it on the chart
v. Display full information about the spots
3. Database Module This module contains all the data related to the system similar as druggies that are registered into the system and so on. Time-wise update of the database will lead to timely updating of information in the stoner’s account as well.
4. Admin Module All the updates and addition and omission of information related to places and other information are streamlined via this module. Only admin has the right to pierce this module.
Android plant, SQL lite database, Google chart, Apache web garçon

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