Bike and Bikes Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Bike and Bikes Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Sphere Web Programming
This is an online bike purchase and rent a bike store that has rosters of colorful bikes along with their features ( company, color and model) and price. This system allows the stoner to buy a new bike by viewing force online. System allows a stoner to check colorful papers submitted by stoner and indeed note on them. Credit card and cash on delivery payment installation is available.
This system also consists of Rent a Bike point where stoner can ask admin for bike on rent. The caller who visits the system must register himself by filling up particular details. After enrollment stoner can login to the system with his username and word in order to buy or rent a bike. Stoner can check colorful bike table and can view each bike features. Stoner may elect a new bike and can add it to the shopping wain. Stoner can make payment through credit cards by clicking on credit card payment option. Stoner must register himself for posting a review about the bikes.
This operation is a combination of both deals and force operation of the bikes. Stoner can fluently buy bike or rent a bike by using this system. Stoner doesn’t have to come to shop to buy. Stoner can view the bike in effective Graphical Stoner Interface. Stoner can view features of each bike and can compare with other bikes in order to buy a better one.
Functional Conditions
1. Login.
2. Authorize stoner.
3. Manages the force of both new and rent bikes.
4. Add, remove and modernize bike’s company, models, colour and price.
5. Manages rented bikes, available for rent bikes and new bikes for trade. For this purpose on home runner there should be an option to navigate for Rent a Bike and buy a new bike.
6. Bikes for rent and bikes for trade should be on different runners. Navigation for both the options should be on indicator runner.
7. System should independently induce reports for both rented bikes and new vended bikes ( reports should be daily, daily, yearly, monthly).
8. On the base of reports admin can calculate gross profit ( separate for rent a bike and buy a new bike) for the month, partial time and time.
9. Gross profit for the new bikes vended should be calculated by taking the difference in quantum of retail price and vended price.
10. Database should be relational. You have to use primary keys and foreign keys to make database relational.
1. Register using stoner register runner.
2. Stoner can buy a new bike.
3. Stoner can rent a bike which is available.
4. Stoner can give review on the bikes (for both rented and new bikes for trade).
5. When stoner clicks the specific bike which is available for rent it should be automatically marked as enthralled ( number of days of enthralled should be also displayed).
6. For renting a specific bike stoner must give the details of rent like hours or days for enwrapping for rent.
7. Stoner can buy a new bike using online gate and can add or remove to the wain.
8. After adding to the wain a stoner can use two modes of payments (cash on delivery and credit card) when checkouts.
9. Stoner can search the bikes by company, colour, price, and model on each runner.
LanguagesC#,, SQL, PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript.
Tools Visual Studio, Dreamweaver or any other supported tool for below languages. Database Mysql, SQL Garçon, WampServer, Xampp.

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