College Admission Predictor Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

College Admission Predictor Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Web Operation
Abstract/ Preface
As the number of sodalities is adding day by day, it becomes hard for scholars to find a good council. Also, it’s veritably delicate for scholars to visit and apply to multitudinous sodalities without knowing their merit. College admission Predictor is a web- grounded operation that prognosticate pupil’s admission in sodalities. Scholars hadn’t need to travel long distance sodalities for the admission and his/ her time is saved, because of this automated system. Only an internet connection is needed to pierce this app anytime anywhere.
This app helps scholars to choose right council for themselves according to the merit. Scholars can register into the systems and add their result/ marks. Grounded on marks and merit, system shortlists the sodalities to which they can apply. Admin can add the sodalities and the batch detail into system.
Admin will manage the graces of sodalities.
Functional Conditions
1. Admin can login into system.
2. Admin can add/ edit/ delete sodalities and their details.
3. Admin can add merit for former times to individual council.
4. Admin can add number of seats in each council.
5. Admin can view list of scholars registered into the system.
6. Admin can view feedback transferred by pupil.
1. Pupil can register and login into system.
2. Scholars can add their marks.
3. Pupil can view sodalities near him.
4. Scholars can view all the sodalities grounded on his marks.
5. Pupil can shoot the feedback to the admin about the system.
• HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Front- end)
. • MYSQL (Backend)
• PHP ( Garçon aspect programming)
• XAMP ( Web Operation Garçon)

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