College Library System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

College Library System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Project Domain / Category

This project belongs to Database category.



Manual record keeping is a time consuming job, while it is also difficult to keep books record of students and faculty as the rules for both are usually different. College Library System (CLS) is a computer base library system which keeps record of the books in the college library. The system maintains the record of students and faculties who have borrowed books from the library.


Functional Requirements:

A set of functional requirements of the proposed system may include the following.


  1. The administrator will be able to enter books information like, book Title, category, reference number
  2. The system will maintain record of the students who have borrowed books from the library.
  3. The system will maintain record of the faculty who has borrowed books from the
  4. The rules of books borrowing from the library are different for students and faculty members. For example, the student will pay some fine if they do not return book within the specified period while the teachers do not have such
  5. The system will be able to display the report of all such books which have issued to students
  6. The system will also be able to display the report of issued books for a specific
  7. The system will be able to display the report of all such books which have issued to faculty members
  8. The system will be able to generate a report of such students who have not returned the books within its specified period and are liable for
  9. The time to return a book for faculty member would be an entire session (Semester or Year) while that for students is a


Students are supposed to visit the problem domain to get more functional requirements and understand the problem.



SQL Server (2000, 2008, etc) VB.Net.



Name: Asif Hussain

Email ID: Skype ID: asifnoor1982

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