Colony’s Record Management Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

Colony’s Record Management Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

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Project Domain / Category:
Web Application

The essential goal of this task is to develop a Responsive internet-based totally system of report management of a colony. The internet site will hold the document of all the members of the colony, motors belonging to contributors of colony, incoming and outgoing motors as
properly because the site visitors to and from the colony with admire to the time. In addition, the internet site will also have a module as assets labeled thru which the traffic of the internet site gets the statistics of assets on sale/ hire.

Functional Requirements:

Main Modules
Main modules of proposed system are as comply with:

1. Home
2. Search
• In search module, consumer can seek Rent/Sale assets via exclusive filter along with Property Type, Price (PKR), Area (Unit in Marla) and Bedrooms and so forth.

3. Administrator Panel.
• Administrator will login to the system for appearing responsibilities
• Admin can submit adds for assets on sale or on rent.
• Admin will generate Passes for Colony Members.
• Administrator will create safety shield login
• Administrator can upload, delete and update the bio facts and automobile records of colony members in database.
• Both security protect and administrator can view the member file,
automobiles inside and outside document and every day traffic’ reviews.

4. Security Guard Panel.

• Security shield will login to device to carry out his/her duties.
• Security Guard might also upload traveller document and create vacationer card in line with relevance facts.
• Both security protect and administrator each view daily visitor record.
• Security defend will add the vehicles in and out record.
• Both protection guard and administrator can view the member report,
vehicles inside and outside file, and each day visitors’ reports

five. Create Responsive Web Page.

Tools & Technology:
1. Php

2. Javascrirt/ Jquery

three. CSS/CSS3

4. HTML5

5. Notepad ++

6. MySQL

Name: Muhammmad Tayyab Waqar Email ID: tayyab.Waqar@vu.Edu.Pk Skype ID: maliktayyab786@ymail.Com

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