Complaint Management System for KN Solutions Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

Complaint Management System for KN Solutions Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

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Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
KN Solution is an internet carrier company business enterprise presently operating in only Punjab. KN Solution gives one-of-a-kind internet packages to college students, home users and business communities. This mission is set to put into effect an online machine for KN Solutions to handle consumer’s proceedings and offer them satisfactory customer care facility.

Functional Requirements:

❖ Modules:
1. Admin:

a. Admin is needed to Sign In first to get admission to the entire machine. B. Admin can upload, view, edit and delete worker details.
C. Admin can upload, view, edit and delete client information

d. Admin can view all complaints (date smart) of the company’s

registered customers.

E. System will offer the ability to the admin to view the reports of solved court cases (date wise) via employees with the score given with the aid of the customers.

2. Employee:

a. Employee will be required to Sign In using legitimate info given by the admin.
B. Employee can add (Telephonically acquired grievance), view, remedy and close grievance.

3. Customer:

a. Customer will obtain an email approximately the grievance solving through net service issuer. Customer can price the given carrier amongst 1 to 5.

4. Tools
• PHP or .Net
• SQL or MySQL

Name: Faizan Tahir
Email ID: fazitahir@vu.Edu.Pk
Skype ID: faizan.Vu

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