Content Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Content Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

To develop a Content Management System (CMS) web-based solution that allows University Community having computer usage skills (without web development skills) to publish, maintain and manage the content of an organization website. Moreover, this solution will support a number of users, to handle comprehensive unlimited number reporting, maintain and manage the content of the website. The proposed system should provide strong user management features – including the concept of authentication and authorization. Authentication relates to the process of establishing the identity of a user. In detail, this requires the users to log in and identify themselves, typically with a password. Authorization relates to the privileges that a user may be given in order to do something to (for example add, edit or delete) a content. Most security-conscious enterprises today implement some form of authentication and authorization for accessing the system. The benefits to this approach are clear – user permissions can be verified before granting access to the system, and user activity can be monitored through various logging mechanisms.

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