Context-Aware Restaurant Finding Mobile Application Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable Project
Project Domain / Category
Android App
There is a context aware mobile application which provides services to users about nearby restaurant for lunch/dinner using sensor/s. Let’s consider a scenario in which the application list the number of nearby restaurants at lunch time, but, if someday the person is busy in a meeting or have no hunger or he/she is driving. Then, by taking advantage of context awareness that application should provide a usable interface to user. It is usually seen in many similar applications that “application doesn’t provide a usable reply to user”.
Actually application provides a list of nearby restaurants list to user which is a usability problem and so not required in said context. Thus, we can say, that application didn’t provide a usable reply to user.
Now, let’s try to find out way. First we need to know why application didn’t provide intelligent reply to user. What are the root causes? Whether application didn’t discover and take advantage of contextual information? Whether sensors are working properly? Or these aren’t linked with application? Or linked with application but not designing an intelligent decision mechanism.
Intelligent reply might be “application don’t provide list of restaurant to user” or application provide an interface to user by saying” although you are in a meeting noe, if you get free soon, do you like to see list?
Functional Requirements:
- Application can find nearby restaurants by taking advantage of sensors like GPS, accelerometer, time,
- Application will take context aware decision based upon user’s location, activities,
Android Studio
Name: Muhammad Salman Bashir Email ID: Skype ID: Muhammad.salman.bashir