CS614 ASSIGNMENT NO. 3 solution Due Date  23rd July 2018

CS614 ASSIGNMENT NO. 3 solution Due Date  23rd July 2018

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Assignment No. 3 (Graded)

Semester Spring 2018
Data Warehousing– CS614


Total Marks: 20


Due Date: 23-07-2018


Covering Lectures: 26-27


This assignment has been designed to develop your ability to apply Normalization and De-Normalization Techniques and principles to normalized and de-normalize data/tables. 



Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting the  assignment:

1.       The assignment will not be accepted after due date.

2.       Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment that does not open or the file is corrupt.

3.       The assignment file must be an MS Word (.doc) file format; Assignment will not be accepted in any other format.

4.       Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if copied (from other student or copied from handouts or internet).

5.       Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if the Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment file.


For any query about the assignment, contact only at CS614@vu.edu.pk


Please do not post queries related to assignment on MDB.




Question # 1:


Create inverted index by considering the following documents and their text.


Doc1: How many students are enrolled in session 2017-2018?

Doc2: How many courses are offered in first semester?

Doc3: How many students have not paid their fee?



Question # 2:


Consider the following bitmap indexes created for three columns:


Bitmap index created on column Designation:


Emp id Lecturer Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor
E01 1 0 0 0
E02 0 0 1 0
E03 0 0 1 0
E04 0 0 0 1
E05 1 0 0 0
E06 0 1 0 0
E07 0 1 0 0


Bitmap index created on column Department:


Emp id Biology Mathematics Computer Science
E01 1 0 0
E02 1 0 0
E03 0 1 0
E04 0 0 1
E05 1 0 0
E06 0 1 0
E07 0 0 1


Bitmap index created on column Specialization:


Emp id Software Engineering Database Artificial Intelligence
E01 1 0 0
E02 0 1 0
E03 0 0 1
E04 0 0 1
E05 1 0 0
E06 0 1 0
E07 1 0 0



Solve the following queries using above given bitmap indexes. Mention all steps.


Query1: How many employee belong to “Computer Science” Department.


Query2: Get Employees having Designation “Assistant Professor” and Specialization “Software Engineering”.


Query3: Get Employees having Designation “Lecturer” and Department “Mathematics” or “Biology”.









Note: Deadline for assignment submission is 23rd July 2018.


Wish you best of Luck!


Get Unique paid solution for this assignment. Cost 1000 rupees. Mail on projecthelp77@gmail.com

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