cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale

cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale

cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale
cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale

cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale

Draft record of requisites for information cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale Encryption Compression Simulator
the following are the core necessities of this challenge.
Security is the key quandary in the current electronic technology. There are multiple methods used for information
encryption and decryption like ACK (Acknowledgement), AES(evolved Encryption commonplace), AKA
(Authentication and Key contract ),CBCM(Cipher Block Chaining with Output suggestions covering),CHAP
(challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), DES(data Encryption regular )etc.
Once we use encryption method it increases the length of data as well rate of sending it. Use compression
procedure to curb its length and RSA algorithm cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale to encrypt data to relaxed knowledge. RSA (which stands for
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman who first publicly described it) involves a public key and a private key notion.
The public key recognized to every person and is used for encrypting messages. Messages encrypted with the public
key can only be decrypted using the private key. Signature can be brought to the message utilising confidential key
Used for authentication. Pubic key will probably be used to encrypt information
Following steps are concerned:
Write message.
Assess the message size.
Convert message into fixed size packets
Compress the message.
Encrypt the compressed message utilising RSA algorithm.
Add signature to the message.
Ship the secure message.
Message will probably be extracted and decrypted cs619 final project Data Encryption Compression Simulator for sale using compression algo and private key at recipient
word: student may use some new compression technique to enhance the efficiency.


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