Digital Library Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Digital Library Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain / Category Desktop/Web Application.

Abstract / Introduction
In the beyond, when there was no idea of automated/virtual library management system at all, the librarian task changed into very bothersome and complicated. The conventional library management device had numerous problems.

Digital/Computerized Library Management System is a excellent manner to screen books, add them, replace statistics in it, search for the proper one, difficulty it, and go back it while wished. This virtual device has loads of benefits over the traditional library machine.

Functional Requirements:
1. Database module: This has features – Insertion of information and extraction of facts with a userfriendly display.
2. Report module: For the borrowed books listing to show.
3. Available module: To view the availability of books.
4. Search Module: seek facility for books and participants.
5. Payment module: Payment facility for first-rate bills.
6. Login and logout module in case the student desire to apply PHP.

Users in the machine:
1. Admin
2. Librarian
three. Users (who want to problem books from the library)

• Admin: Add, view, and delete the librarian.
• Librarian: Add, view, problem books, return books, payment.

2. MySQL

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