“E-HOTEL”: An Online Hotel Management System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable Project
“E-HOTEL” is a web based Management System for XYZ Hotel having 200 rooms. Details regarding the different users involved in the system and the functions which they can perform are given below
Following are the users of this system. Each user has to log in first, to use the system.
- Customer
- Receptionist
- Hotel Manager
- Chief Executive
Responsibilities and functions of each user are given below:
- User will book the room online. At the time of booking he will enter the following information
- Customer first name
- Customer last name
- Customer address
- Customer phone number
- Expected check-in date and time
- Expected check-out date and time
- He has to log in
- When the customer will check in, the receptionist will record the following information
- Number of occupants
- Assigned room
- Default room rate
- Actual check-in date and time
- When the customer will check out, the receptionist will record the following information
- Actual check-out date
- Actual check-out time
- Customer feedback
- The receptionist can add, remove and modify any customer information (The system ask for the reason for any of this operation which he will provide in separate field).
Hotel Manager:
- He has to log in
- Manager will Add, Remove or modify the records regarding
- He will be able to search customer by giving First name, Last name or by Phone number
- He will be able to see the history regarding any room such as which customer has occupied the room so far now? When it was occupied? And when it was released?
- He will be able to see the history regarding any customer such as how many customers has occupied the particular room? When occupied? And when released?
Chief Executive:
- He has to log in
- He will be able to search customer by giving First name, Last name or by Phone number
- He will be able to see the revenue and expenses
Supervisor: Shabib Aftab (shabib.aftab@vu.edu.pk)
Application Type: Web
Possible Students: 1 to 2
Proposed Tools: Java, Dotnet Framework, MySQL, SQL server etc