Electricians for Home Services Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Electricians for Home Services Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Order Web Programming
Abstract/ Preface
Now a days, there are a lot of electric appliances in our homes similar as Air Conditioners, Electric
. Suckers, Electric Air Cooler, Washing Machines, Dryer Machines, Refrigerator, Electric Heater, Electric Oven, Electric Juicer etc. When these electric appliances are used regularly, these machines frequently stop working duly and bear some conservation and form work from time to time. In this script, numerous people face difficulty in chancing the expert and professional electricians for repairing their precious electric appliances snappily and efficiently. Keeping in view the below script, this design is concentrated to fulfil the requirements of these people.
This operation will help guests to snappily find the expert electricians from near locales and according to the requirements and conditions of the guests. The system will also be salutary for electricians as they can find their work fluently. This system will reduce time and cost of both guests and electricians. In this operation, guests can register, login and view all the available near electricians. Client can filter and elect an electrician according to his experience, moxie and former standing etc. Also, electricians can also get guests by registering and logging into the website and setting up their profile. Admin can login, manage electricians, authorize new electricians and can remove electricians from the system after wrong reflections and extreme low standing by the guests. Admin can also check for the listed guests.
Functional Conditions
There will be three modules of this web operation Admin, Electrician and Client. Each Client and Electrician should be registered on the website before getting any service.
1. Admin Module
Admin can login to the system.
Admin approves the registered electricians.
Admin can manage the electricians (add/ view/ update/ delete).
Admin can modernize the electrician details and manage login word.
Admin can manage the guests (add/ view/ update/ delete).
Admin can check the standing given by guests about each electrician.
Admin can check average standing for each electrician.
Admin can check the reflections given by guests about each electrician.
Admin can block an electrician in case of nonstop poor standing.
Admin can view the client complaints and take applicable conduct.
Admin can induce a report on a yearly base for the total number of bookings and their successful running.
2. Electricians Module
Electricians can register and login to the system.
Electricians make their profile including their name, work experience, moxie ( roster of machines on which electrician has expert knowledge and work experience), qualification, profile picture and their position.
Electricians can view/ modernize their profile and can modernize word.
Electricians can check the standing given by the client.
Electricians can check any reflections (if given) by the client.
3. Guests Module
Guests can register and login to the system.
Guests can view/ modernize their profile and can modernize word.
Electricians Search Guests can search for all applicable Electricians by hunt pollutants similar as position, work experience, moxie and standingetc.
View Electrician Guests can view all the details ( work experience, moxie, standing, other guests’remarks, positionetc.) of any available Electrician in a proper layout on the website.
Bespeak an Electrician Guests can bespeak an Electrician according to his/ her needs and choice.
Rate Electrician Guests can give standing to the concerned Electrician after the completion of his required work according to his/ her satisfaction.
Reflections about Electrician After the completion of the needed work, guests can give any reflections and commentary about the concerned Electrician.
Complaint about Electrician Guests can register complaint about the concerned Electrician to the admin, in case of any serious issues similar as electrician’s misbehaviouretc.
Pay bill Upon successful completion of the needed work, guests can either pay the quantum to the concerned electrician on the spot or can transfer the quantum to the electrician’s account number available on his profile.
( Note Student can add/ enhance conditions as per need and keeping the time span and compass in view.)Tools
ASP.NET,C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap, MS SQL Garçon

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