Email Reply Planner Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Email Reply Planner Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Project Domain Mobile Application Abstract

With the hectic life, people are afraid to forget some important activities. Professionals are especially worried about important emails that need to be sent to a recipient or a group of recipients. Moreover, which is to be addressed and who are to be kept informed by putting their address in cc/bcc. There are chances that if emails are drafted run time then there might be some drafting error or some recipient may be skipped. To cater this requirement, a tool/application of email reply planner will be beneficial. Aim of this project is to develop a tool for planning and scheduling of emails to facilitate professionals.


Functional Requirements:


  • Email contacts and groups: Application will enable the user to enter email addresses. User will also be able to create different groups and enlist email addresses in those groups. An email address can be listed in many
  • Intellisense: Intellisense will be an intelligent agent that will suggest the user before sending any email about other emails/groups to also include in loop of this
  • Email organization: emails will be organized group wise i.e. whenever and email is received from any user, the email should automatically be assigned to a group (group can be selected on the basis of the person who has sent (In case, if sender is listed in more than one groups, priorities can be defined). Similarly, user should also be able to assign “Sent” emails to different groups.
  • Email scheduling: in case (of manual send mode) if user drafts an email for later sending, application should remind the user at least 12 hours before specified time to send the email. A message should also appear on the screen at exact schedule time to remind the user about the email. In case (of auto send mode) application will automatically send email to specified target at specified time. Note that in case of group, the email will be sent to all addresses listed in that


Non-Functional Requirements:


This system provide stability of interface on all devices, security, user friendly interface and quickly response of any type of information retrieval.


Development Tools

Android Studio



Name : Muhammad Anwaar Saeed Email :

Skype id: manwaarsaeed

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