Employees Loan Management System
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Project Domain / Category:
Web Programming
Abstract / Introduction
The Employees Loan Management System will help an organization to manage loan for its employees online in an efficient way. Employees can request loans, which will be reviewed by the HR department and then loans will be approved or rejected. In case, loan is rejected, employee will be informed the reason of loan rejection. However, in case of loan approval, Loan approval terms and conditions, loan repayment schedule will be provided to employee. If employee will agree with the loan offer, terms and condition and repayment schedule, then loan will be granted to the employee and automatic deduction from employee salary will be made.
Functional Requirements: User’s Requirements:
FR1. View Loan policies, loan limit and other details according to employee rank and salary
FR2. Apply for loan using loan application.
FR3. Receive acceptance or rejection
FR4. Receive loan acceptance terms and condition and instalment plan in case loan is accepted
FR5. Provide scanned copies of required documents
FR6. View loan status and report of monthly paid and remaining instalments
Admin’s Requirements:
FR7. Define loan policies and rules according to employee rank.
FR8. Receive employees’ requests for loan
FR9. Approve/Disapprove loan
FR10. Calculate whether loan can be fully or partially granted.
FR11. Define Loan Approval terms and conditions in case of loan approval
FR12. Provide reason of loan rejection to employee
FR13. Get employee acceptance and other required documents
FR14. Verify documents
FR15. Make Repayment schedule
FR16. Deduct loan instalments automatically from employee salary on monthly basis
FR17. Update all record of loan instalments which are paid, and which are due along with other information like on which date loan is granted etc. The same should be visible to employee as well.
Non-Functional Requirements:
NFR1. Reliability: System behaviour should be correct.
NFR2. Availability: System should be available 24/7.
NFR3. Usability: System should provide user friendly interface.
NFR4. Robustness: System should be able to behave normally, roll back or commit processing/transaction in case of system failure or crash.
NFR5. Performance: System should produce results quickly.
Visual Studio (C#.Net) and SQL Server
Name: Umra Naeem
Email ID: umra.naeem@vu.edu.pk Skype ID: umra.naeem
(FR2) computer course and accounting book keeping