File Tracker Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

File Tracker Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Abstract/ Preface
Lines keeps moving in a big association from person to person, from office to office. In case if someone needed that train, it becomes hard to find which person, office or office have thatfile.However, it seems that his mind gets disturbed and occasionally causes hustle and bustle within the company, If some needed that train. In train shamus system, lines will be registered and services hand will be registered too. So if a lines moves from one person to other, status of the train position will be streamlined. Every train will have a number, and it’ll be fluently plant which person is presently holding that train. So if someone need it, he’ll search in app and directly go to that person. For better experience, he can directly call or communication that person within the app to get that train.
Functional Conditions
1. Stoner have to register in the app
2. Lines have to be add in the app
3. Stoner can add new train
4. Stoner can search for a specific train
5. Stoner can see the current person holding the train
6. Stoner can ask the person holding train to further it to him
7. Stoner can trackdepartment-wise train (s) status
8. Stoner can sputter or call to the other registered druggies
Database Firebase or mySQL
Language Java
Framework Android
IDE Android Studio
Rewrite Rewrite it again Rewrite Button Rewrite New

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