Gate Pass Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Gate Pass Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Desktop Application
Abstract/ Preface
Gate Pass Management System manages the entry and exit of the vehicles of workers and callers. This is an effective system to keep track of each vehicle entry and exit. With the help of this system, you’ll be suitable to manage all incoming or gregarious deals of your company. This system is defined as a gate pass security system, its main purpose is to secure the company from outside callers, contractors, departments, company vehicle security, and material etc. It’ll help the association as well as a caller to manage the Gate Passes, those who are visiting constantly will have their record at the top which will make their entry or exit process easy.
Functional Conditions
This operation will have two major modules
Administration Module
This module is typically used by the admin staff who deal with the executive work of guests. This system helps the staff to register their anticipated caller online, process the visit, and pass on the information to security. Security department can view the reports of the callers for the date range. The GPMS is used to define the allowed help authorized to allow access by auto to guests. This means, there will be a record for every entry or exit.
Security Gate Module
This module will help the admin staff at the security gate to register the caller’s appearance information with a snap and appearance time/ date and shoot the announcement to the company head as well. The system can take in the data about the callers, his/ herco-visitors, and their things, Check-in time and also process check-out.
GPMS allows you to enter the callers’ details with all credentials of host (to who caller is going to meet), it’ll be vindicated and after this security staff can pierce this data. By this system will have all the information about callers, their purpose and their host as well. Admin can view any record at any time. Admin and report machine interfaces will be enforced grounded on SQL queries.
This operation will have three actors, which are admin, director and guard.
Admin can add, modernize or cancel a record of director, Guard, authorize a gate pass, enjoin the entry of any vehicle or person. Admin should keep track each Gate pass of vehicle and person entering int the company area to manage security of association and will also be responsible for any error in the system.
The director will deal with guards will keep track of guards and areas under his supervision. The director will have access to records of each gate entry, Guard details, authorize a gate pass, and manage gatepasses.However, he can circumscribe the entry of a person or vehicle, If director will see any unasked exertion.
Guard can view entry gate details, whether a gate pass is approved or not and allow entry only if the pass is approved. They can also circumscribe the entry of a person or vehicle in case of any unusual exertion.
Your operation must have following interfaces with the mentioned functionalities
Login runner, stoner have‘ID’,‘ word’, and‘profile’. After successful login stoner can perform his/ her tasks according to profile. Without authentication no stoner will be allowed to view any other interfaces.
After getting login stoner can also edit their information like name, address,etc.
Admin can edit, modernize, cancel and add a new director, guard and can view all their details as well. Admin can view and authorize the request of gate pass added by guard, manger or any other company member. Admin can also reject any gate pass entry if any suspicious person or vehicle wants to enter in the company’s area.
Directors will deal with guard and vehicle parking, guard duty, parking area, and will track the record of expiry of gate pass.
A guard can edit their particular information, mark their duty place, view the gate passes, add information to gate passes, and report gate passes in case of any suspicious exertion.
Gate Pass
This interface will be used to request a gate pass. Gate pass needed information like Person details, vehicle information, entry time, valid till,etc.
Python, MySQL or SQLite.

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