Gym Buddy Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Gym Buddy Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Mobile Application
Abstract/ Preface
Taking out some time from your busy schedule to attend a spa daily for a drill seems delicate for working professionals & council scholars due to workload & studies. As a result of which numerous people prefer doing exercises or spa exercises at their home itself. Still, a spa drill or exercise done without following the right procedure or positions and done without the proper guidance of a coach can damage your muscles. Also, hiring a particular coach may not fit everyone’s budget. So, to attack this issue you’re needed to develop an android grounded Gym Buddy operation that will act as a virtual coach. This operation will guide the druggies on colorful body exercises with step-by- step positions with images. The druggies can keep a track of the data of day-to- day exercises. The Gym Buddy operation contains a list of all exercises grounded on different types & orders ( i.e., drill for casket, triceps, biceps, abs, back, shoulders, forearms, legsetc.). The druggies can also keep a track of how important sets or weights they used in one particular drill so that they can increase or drop its capacity consequently. Therefore, this android- grounded spa drill operation will act as a virtual companion to the druggies & will give a stoner-friendly spa experience.
Functional Conditions
In this system, the stoner will be suitable to view all kinds of exercises grounded on type or order. Each Drill or exercise is well explained in details along with 2 prints showing the launch and endpose, so that stoner can check his posture like in the print and can imitate it duly. Stoner can enter weight or set grounded on current date and can add multiple entries for each date. The system comprises of one major module with itssub-modules as follows
• Login/ Logout Stoner will be suitable to login in the operation by furnishing his username and word.
After the use of operation, he can be logout from the operation by saving his drill progress.
• Orders Stoner will be suitable to elect a order or type of exercises he wants, videlicet casket, triceps, biceps, abs, back, shoulders, forearms, legsetc.
• Exercise Each exercise will have 2 prints showing the launch and the end disguise of it, along with a detailed description about the exercise which can correspond of what kinds of muscle we’re erecting and why is it important.
• Progress Tracker Under each Exercise, the stoner can mark how important weights he used or how numerous sets he did on the particular date, so that he can relate and keep on adding his mark.
Android Studio
Java language
Database (SQLite or Firebase)

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