Health Monitoring Mobile App for Patients Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Health Monitoring Mobile App for Patients Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Mobile Application
Abstract/ Preface
It’s an android grounded mobile operation that will keep track of a cases’ health. This mobile operation will keep the particular profile and medical record of a case. In this app, stoner will be suitable to add case’s particular profile, medical history, croaker movables and vaccination records. It should give an alert communication to modernize the person about coming appointment to the croaker and diurnal drugs. The case can add his/ her medical record like blood pressure, sugar position, palpitation rateetc. and if these values aren’t in normal range, also it should warn a case for exigency visit to the croaker. An alert communication should also be generated if vaccination date is near or has passed or if appointment is due. Operation must also give the medium to keep track of a case’s medical record of illness and treatment (like what was illness like blood pressure, diabetes flu, fever, casket infectionetc. and what was the drug recommended byDr. along withDr. name and contact). There should be a installation to upload the image of conventions against illness records.
Functional Conditions
There are following functional conditions
1. Stoner will be suitable to add the particular profile of a case.
2. Stoner will add the record of medical history of a case (like what was illness like blood pressure, diabetes flu, fever, casket infectionetc. and what drug was recommended byDr. like Panadol, Rigix, Glucofageetc. along withDr. name and contact).
3. Stoner will be suitable to add vaccination record of case.
4. It’ll give alert communication in case of exigency visit to croaker if case isn’t well.
5. It’ll give an alert communication if vaccination date is near or has passed or if croaker appointment is due.
6. It’ll modernize patient about diurnal drug.
7. There should be a installation to upload the images of conventions against illness record.
Tools and Languages
IDE NetBeans, Eclipse, JDK, Android Studio
. Language Java
Database SQLite/ Firebase
Note Pupil shouldn’t induce Operation using any web grounded/ offline tools like “ MIT Android App Inventor”.

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