HR Project on Employees Motivation / Motivation Level of Employees 2017

HR Project on Employees Motivation / Motivation Level of Employees 2017

Project Report on Motivation Level of Employees or Employees Motivation


This is to certify that the research assignment report entitled “Motivation Level of Employees” has labored on Final Year Student of MBA underneath my supervision. She has confirmed a top notch zeal, running spirit and exuberance toward this project.

I certify that this studies paintings is unique and have the requisite preferred of an MBA student. Therefore, I advocate the same for evaluation.

I desire her all of the satisfactory in her destiny endeavors.



Introduction to the Project Report on Employees Motivation
Industrial Profile
Research Methodology

Introduction closer to Project Report on Motivation

The performance of a person depends on elements, firstly, the level of ability to do a positive work, secondly, the willingness to do the work. So for as the first issue is concerned it can be received by way of education and training, however the 2d element may be created by using motivation. A individual might also have numerous wishes and desires. It is handiest strongly felt needs which turns into motives. Thus motives are a made of desires and goals reasons are many and hold on changing with time motives are invisible and directed closer to certain desires.

Motivation approach that manner which creates on suggestion in a person to motivation is derived from the word ‘purpose’ this means that the contemporary electricity in a person which impels him to do a work.

Motivation is the procedure of steerage a person’s inner drives and moves toward sure desires and committing his energies to obtain those desires. It contain a sequence reaction beginning with felt desires, resulting in reasons which provide upward push to tension which census motion towards dreams. It is the technique of stimulating human beings to try willingly in the direction of the achievement of organizational goals motivation can be described because the work a manager plays an order to Induce Subordinates to behave on the preferred manner with the aid of pleasing their needs and goals. Thus motivations is concerned with how behaviour gets started out, is energized, sustained and directed.

Definition of Motivation :

1st Definition of Motivation : According to Michael J. Jacius ; Motivation is the act of stimulating a few one or oneself to get a favored direction of movement or to push the proper button to get a preferred reaction.

2nd Definition of Motivation : According to Dalton E. Mcfarland, “The idea of motivation is particularly mental. It associated with those forces are many and hold on changing with time motives are invisible and directed towards positive dreams.

Techniques of Motivation

The foremost techniques of motivation are as below :

Positive and poor motivation.
Financial and Non-financial motivation.
Individual and group motivation.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic motivation.
Importance of Motivation

Motivation is one of the most vital factors that decide the performance and effectiveness of an organisation with its help a preference is born inside the minds of the employees to attain effectively the goal of the employer. All organizational facilities will remain vain human beings are influenced to make use of those facilities in a efficient way. Motivation is an quintessential a part of management system. An agency might also have the exceptional of cloth, machines and different means of manufacturing however these kinds of sources are meaningless as long as they’re not utilized by nicely motivated people. There turned into a time whilst the human resource of manufacturing was handled like other non-human resources and changed into no longer given any unique significance. But this vintage idea has misplaced all importance in this aggressive age classifying the significance of motivation Renis Likert has known as it. “The core of Management”. The significance of motivation becomes clear from following facts :

High Level of Performance.
Low Employee Turnover and Absenteeism.
Easy Acceptance of organizational modifications.
Good human family members.
Good image of company.
Increase in Morale.
Proper use of Human Resource Possible.
Helpful in Achieving Goals.
Builds Good members of the family amongst employees.
Easier Selection.
Facilities Change.
Problem of Motivation

Motivation is the final results of a certain relation among the superiors and the sub-ordinates for this the superiors or the managers make special attempt exclusive from the each day control or functions. It is not important that the efforts made by the managers will be unanimously suited. It can also be adverse on this way there are numerous hardles in implementing a motivational device. They are follows :

A Costly Efforts
Trouble Making Employees.
Motivation is an inner feeling.
Opposition to changes.

Objectives of the Project Report

To know the incentive degree of the employees of the company.
To access the running of the employees branch.
Research Methodology

Scope of Study :

The look at became limited to B.T.M. (Bhiwani) of Birla Groups.

Research Design :

This studies is of descriptive. In descriptive research we’ve got enough facts on the concept and studies fabric. Because many researchers had been done the same idea. Therefore, there’s not anything new this idea while I am going to take a look at. I have used questionnaire approach for accumulating the statistics. I have fashioned same questionnaire for workers & personnel members.


Sample Size : 30
Instrument Used : Questionnaire.
Sample Technique : Random Sampling.
Sources of Data

Primary Data – Questionnaire.
Secondary Data – Files, Record Books, Company Manuals, Websites and Books.

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