HRM619 Final Project Letter of Undertaking Spring 2016

I ……Student name…Student VU ID…………………………. hereby confirm that the HRM619 Project/Dissertation I have provided is solely my own effort. I did not copy my HRM619 report partially or completely from any other student or from any other source either against payment or free and I did not provide any plagiarized material in any section of my report. I further confirm that the documents (HRM619 Job Confirmation Letter, etc.) that HRM619 Final Project Letter of Undertaking Spring 2016 I have provided are genuine (i.e. not forge/fake) and have been issued by the authorized person in the organization. If I am found guilty of misstating, misleading or concealing the facts about my activities (either academic or non-academic but relevant to this course) at any stage, the university is authorized to take disciplinary action against me according to university policies and regulations.
I hereby also confirm that I have carefully read and understood all the guidelines, rules and regulations provided by the course instructor on VULMS. I assure that I will follow the instructions regarding presentation & viva voce and will appear on the scheduled date for presentation & viva voce which will be intimated to me at my VU-email ID by the HRM619 Final Project Letter of Undertaking Spring 2016 Course Instructor. In case of any negligence, I shall be held responsible.
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