Match Rings Android Board Game Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

Match Rings Android Board Game Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

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Project Domain / Category: Mobile Game Apps Abstract / Introduction:
Circle breaker is a 3×3 grid (board) sport app with the intention to run on cellular or tab. The concept of sport is to healthy colour of circles (jewelry), if coloration of earrings suits in a column (vertically), row (horizontally) or diagonally then blast (disappear) those rings from board. To win the game, participant will dispose of all jewelry from board. When all packing containers of board are crammed and no option to blast earrings is left then player loses the game.
Functional Requirements:

Abstract stage requirements of recreation are given under. Student will provide particular necessities in SRS report.
1. Game utility should have a board of 3 rows and 3 columns of packing containers. Intersection of every row and column may be known as a cellular.
2. There can be 3 styles of rings in game that could positioned in a mobile.
A. Small ring
b. Large ring
c. Double ring (small ring internal big ring). Double ring will have equal shade or two exceptional colours (of internal and outer rings).
Three. At begin of sport, cellular at centre of the board may be auto packed with any random ring. Random ring can be of any type given in point-2 and any color from our decided three color given in factors-four.
Four. Colour of ring can be pink, green and crimson. Double ring can have any two colorings from given three.
Five. If cell is empty than participant can positioned any type of ring in that mobile.
6. If colours of jewelry in a row, column or diagonally fit then blast those earrings which have equal shade. Suppose a cellular includes double ring, if internal ring matched then handiest internal ring will blast at the side of rings of other cells, if outer ring matched then only outer ring should blast, internal ring will live placed.
7. If participant blasted all rings on board, he/she might be considered winner.
8. On every turn, a hoop will be generated randomly, player will snatch it and placed (pass) in any legal cell.

9. If all cells of board are filled and player does no longer have any choice to put available ring then participant will lose the game.
Following art work and demonstration will assist in information and operating of sport.

Type of earrings

Colours of ring

In bins A1, C1 and A2 we nonetheless have choice to put a massive ring (as present earrings are small).

Similarly, in containers B1, C2, B3 and C3 there may be an choice to placed a small ring. In following desk, pink rings
In cellular A1, B2 and C3 need to burst as they have equal colour. Other jewelry should live placed.






Android studio Microsoft Xamarin

Programming Language: Java or C#


Name: Muhammad Ahmad Lodhi Email: ahmadlodhi@vu.Edu.Pk Skype identification: ahmad_lodhi

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