Maternity Home Automation Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Maternity Home Automation Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

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Application Abstract/Introdu ction

Maternity Home Automation is specially designed for the purpose of fast and accurate results. As we know that there is only single type of patients and may be visited more than once where we need previous history of patients on priority basis. That’s why we need a system where when patient visit hospital for the first time the record of the patient will be recorded in the patient history with patient id. Here we need ultra sound records also so ultrasound is also part of this system. The patient will be checked if there is a need to admit so patient will be admitted otherwise not admitted. If the patient need to be admitted so according to patient condition bed will be allotted before allotment system check for an empty bed.

After admission according to the doctor prescription and ultrasound result the blood and all other requirements will be arranged for the patient.

This system will give us a complete record of a patient at every stage and if patient visit the Maternity Home once again so we have a complete record of a patient which will be beneficiary for both patient and doctors.

On the other hand patients don’t need to carry reports for record. An efficient and robust Maternity Home Automation plays a vital role in day to day running of hospitals in today fast pace world.

For the aforementioned reasons students are assigned to develop a Maternity Home Automation with functional requirements mentioned below.

Functional Requirements:

  1. Registration
    • The administrator can create a new user (Doctor or Admin Staff). New user can login and logout.
  2. Patient Entry/ Checkout

Admin Assign ID to patient

Doctor add, delete or modify the Patient details.

  1. Ultrasound
    • Doctor add, delete or modify the patient history on the basis of ultrasound.
  2. Bed
    • Doctor or Admin Staff can Allocate or DE allocate Bed for Patients Update Patient Information
  3. Search

Doctor or Admin Staff can search for the required Patient detail based on name, id etc.

  1. Report generation

Doctor and Admin Staff can generate report of Patient or beds on the

basis of daily, weekly and early  Tools:

Python is mandatory.

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