mcs final year projects list

mcs final year projects list

mcs final year projects list
mcs final year projects list

Huge list of Hospital, Library, School, Salary, Hotel, Pharmacy, Student, Payroll and Employee Management System Projects in all languages such as JAVA, ASP.Net, VB.Net, C#.Net, PHP, VB, C, C++, JSP etc….

JAVA, J2EE, J2ME based MCA Final Year Project Free Downloads:

JAVA Based Online Shopping
This project is a web-based online shopping application developed in JAVA. The main aim of online shopping is to improve the services of Customers and Vendors…

JClone: Syntax tree based clone detection for Java
An unavoidable amount of money is spent on maintaining existing software systems today. Software maintenance cost…

Interactive Web-based Guideline for the Efficiency of Household Electric Power Consumption
The purpose of this project was to build electric energy calculator using practical saving potentials and factors evaluated from the…

mcs final year projects list

Online Course Registration System in JAVA
Online Course Registration System is a Web-based registration software that helps you to register courses online…

College Library Management
College Library Record Application is designed and developed for a receipt and issuance of books in the college library…

Design of Shopping Mall Management System
In this project, we will be designing a simple shopping mall using object oriented technology. The mall will provide a soothing shopping experience for…

>> List of JAVA, J2EE, J2ME Final Year Project Abstracts, Project Topics and PDF Downloads
>> List of JAVA, J2EE, J2ME Final Year Student Project Ideas and Project Reports

.Net based MCA Final Year Research Project Downloads:

Online Cinema Ticket Booking System in .Net
Welcome to newly designed website cinema ticket booking is a faster, cleaner and a tad more personal website, specially designed to make your booking experience better…mcs final year projects list

Civil Registry in C#.Net with ASP.Net
Civil Registry is the online system or agency to help the Indian citizens to apply for their government records like passport, driving license, voter’s ID card, PAN card etc…

Distributed Caching in a Multi-Server Environment
This paper discusses the problems Distributed Caching can be used to solve and evaluates a couple of Distributed Caching Platforms targeting the .NET Framework…

Online Auction in ASP.Net and VB.Net
“U Auction” is an online auction web site aimed at taking the auction to the finger tips of aspiring bidders there by opening up the doors of the…

Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System in and MySQL
Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System is the enquiry system which operates based on the voice input given by the user…

Billing System for a Departmental Store in ASP.Net + SQL
The project “Billing system” is an application to automate the process of ordering and billing of a “Departmental store”…

>> More .Net Final Year Project Abstracts, Topics and Downloads
>> More .Net Final Year Project Ideas and Reports

Android based MCA Final Year Project Downloads:

Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing: A paper on mobile phone application offloading by cloud computing utilization mcs final year projects list
The development of the mobile phone has been rapid. From being a device mainly used for phone calls and writing text messages the mobile phone of today…

An Android Application for Saving Ideas
Creado is a web based service for storing and sharing ideas in text, image, audio or video format. Initially, the format closely resembled a…

Android, Where’s My Car?
You parked as close to the stadium as you possibly could, but when the concert ends, you don’t have a clue where your car is. Your friends are equally clueless…

Lightweight M2M Solution on Android Platform
Machine-to-machine communication (M2M) is a generic term for technologies dealing with autonomous communication between machines…

Enriching Circuit Switched Mobile Phone Calls with Cooperative Web Applications
The thesis investigates the possibility to enrich standard mobile phone calls with cooperative web applications…

Mobile Web Search Personalization using Ontological User Profile
Most present day search engines have a deterministic behavior in the sense that they return the same search results for all users who submit the…

>> More Android Final Year Project Abstracts, Topics and Downloads
>> More Android Final Year Project Ideas and Reports

PHP based Final Year MCA Project Downloads:

Cloud Computing with PHP – Using Amazon S3 with the Zend Framework
Cloud computing promises unlimited disk space for users and applications. In an ideal world, accessing that storage would be as easy as accessing a local hard drive…

Hotel Management Information System in PHP
Hotel Management Information System has been developed in PHP to keep track of hotel guests…

Online Election System: A Proposed System for Pakistan
In the new era of advanced technology where online system boosts work speed, reduces mistakes and promote the generation of accurate results, having manual election system…

The PHP Programmer’s Guide to Secure Code
Security threats against computer systems are a big problem today which also includes PHP made applications…

Pharmacy Management System in PHP + MySQL
This Pharmacy Management System is developed in PHP using MySql as the database. Receips and invoices are generated using TCPDF…

Student Information System using PHP and MYSQL
Student’s Information System developed using PHP4 and MYSQL4 allows administrator to insert or edit student details…

>> More PHP Final Year Project Abstracts, Topics and Downloads mcs final year projects list
>> More PHP Final Year Project Ideas and Reports

C, C++ based Final Year MCA Project Downloads:

Runtime Enforcement of Memory Safety for the C Programming Language
Memory access violations are a leading source of unreliability in C programs. Although the low-level features of the C programming language, like unchecked pointer…

Chicago: A Multiplayer Card Game based on Client – Server Architecture
Chicago is a game based on a combination of poker and trick card games. We wanted to implement this game as a network based multi user system based on client–server architecture…

Hotel Management System Project in C
This Hotel Management System Project is developed in Turbo C language…

Class Time Table Generation in C++
When you make a class time table, you must take into consideration many requirements (number of professors, students, classes and classrooms, size of classroom…
Doodle Processing System Using Cinder Graphics and Bullet Physics
This Thesis proposes a implementation for a doodle system which can scan hand drawn paper doodles using camera into the system and obtain a painting based on…

C++ Project on Hospital Management System
Here, a Hospital Management Console is developed in C++. Source Code can be downloaded below. To execute this Code, you must use…

>> More C, CPP Final Year Project Abstracts, Topics and Downloads
>> More C, CPP Final Year Project Ideas and Reports

>> More Latest Final Year Project Abstracts, Project Topics and Project Downloads

>> More Final Year Computer Project Ideas and Source Code Downloads

>> More CSE Mini Project Ideas, Topics and Downloads

MCA Final Year Project Topics:

E Recruitment System – Dynamic Online Professional Recruitment & Mgt System
E Career and Consultancy Services
Professional E Banking System – Online Banking Services
Net Banking with Electronics Fund Transfer
E health Care – A Strategic Management System
Web based Tele Medicine and online Health Care Consultation…
>> Huge List of Computer(CSE/IT) Mini/Final Year Projects

>> Computer/Software Final Year Project Ideas

>> IEEE Dot Net, C#, PHP Projects

>> MCA Mini Project Downloads, Topics and Ideas <<

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