Meat On Wheels iOS App Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Meat On Wheels iOS App Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Mobile Application
Abstract/ Preface
During the COVID epidemic, people buy meat online, so they do n’t have to leave their homes. In the once many times, Covid-19 has changed the shopping geography in numerous ways, the most apparent in the fact that numerous people now would rather buy meat and other food inventories online. Currently, we can buy anything online. It’s also possible to skip the ranges at the supermarket or in the bumblers and buy meat online.
With online bumblers, you can get high- quality meat delivered lately to your door. There’s no reason to defy the crowded meat department in a grocery store or drive to the botcher shop to buy teary meat. When it comes to getting your meat, you should admit the stylish service.
The main idea of the proposed “ Meat On Wheels iOS App” is to give the guests easy access to the meat of their choice and get delivery of their favorite meat to their doorstep.
Main Places of the system
There will be five options in its side menu
· Profile
· Nearest Meat Stores
· My Wain
· Feedback
· Logout
Core Functionality
Core functionality and introductory inflow of the app will be as follows
1. First of all, the stoner will encounter the home screen which consists of a list of nearest meat stores.
2. The stoner will elect a suitable store and do with his/ her shopping from the menu handed by the concerned store.
3. App will give checkout functionality during the shopping.
4. A special note may show to the stoner during shopping (for illustration “ Free Delivery on order aboveRs. 500”)
5. The stoner will have to register before attesting his/ her order if he/ she isn’t registered formerly.
The other Defenses will work as
● Profile.
Profile Screen will show the stoner his/ her details (His/ her name, Address, Postal Code,
. note regarding address)
● Nearest Stores.
This screen will show the list of nearest meat stores, stoner can also search store from
. the list
● My Wain.
This Screen will show the stoner current wain status, if the stoner has nothing in his/ her wain also it’ll show a communication (“ Your wain is Empty, Start Shopping)”).
● Feedback.
This screen will show a wide textbook area and the submit button so that druggies can shoot feedback.
There will be a need for a backend web API that will handle all backend tasks similar as managing all nearest stores, their orders and subcategories, products managing and stoner dataetc.
Tools & Language
• IDE XCode on mackintosh- book
• Programming Language Swift5 and rearmost performances
• Backend Garçon- side scripting technology PHP
• API Testing Operation Postman
• Law Editors XCode, Sublime, PHP storm Visual Studio,etc.
Note If you need any farther backing regarding tools, feel free to communicate me.

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