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Membership, Events & Voting Management system for ISOC(MEV) Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable
Project Domain / Category: Web Programming
Abstract / Introduction:
Internet Society (ISOC) Pakistan Islamabad (PK IBD) Chapter brings together members of the community at large to advance and promote the vision and guiding principles of ISOC through a local presence. ISOC spearhead community development and capacity-building take initiatives through education, projects, awareness sessions, and stakeholder engagement.
The Chapter shall have the following Officers President, Vice President, General SecretaryTreasurer and the Board of Directors BOD consist of no fewer than three (3) and no more than fifteen (15) volunteer members and those are elected by voting.
Currently the Chapter is performing its operation manually through its local member and volunteers. Membership management has a vital role and performing this task manually is quite a hectic task.
You have to design an MEV web to help you streamline the connection with members, as well as gather and disseminate information about events, record member attendance and have a proper voting system for chapter leadership and chapter BOD.
Functional Requirements:
Admin Role
IDE: Visual Studio,
Front End: Boot Strap,
Back End: Php Laravel,
Database: MySQL, Version Controlling: Git hub
Name: Abdullah Qamar