MKT619-Final Project Marketing 2016

MKT619-Final Project Marketing
MKT619-Final Project Marketing 2016
Objectives of this course MKT619-FINAL PROJECT
To enhance the analytical skills of the students by enabling them to address the real life issues and suggest solutions in the light of theoretical MKT619-Final Project Marketing 2016 knowledge of their relevant area of specialization and experience.
Ø To provide an opportunity to the students to explore new researchable avenues in their relevant area of specialization and conducting research on the selected problem, thus providing solutions thereafter.
MKT619 is offered to the students of MBA specializing in Marketing.
Ø This course is designed for the students who are already on job.
Ø Students are required to select any one MKT619-Final Project Marketing 2016 from the available options i.e., project or dissertation
Ø Step wise guide for the submissions of course work:
1. First Proposal (draft) for project/ dissertation is required to be submitted by the students to determine the feasibility of the intended project/dissertation. It will be evaluated to provide guidance to the students and returned for improvements to be made in final (revised) proposal.
2. Final (revised) Proposal for project/dissertation is required to be submitted which will be evaluated for determining the validity of the proposal and will be returned to the students. A valid proposal (approved by the Instructor) is a must for submitting the project/dissertation.
3. After approval of the Final (revised) Proposal, Project/ Dissertation is to be submitted on the same approved Proposal of project/dissertation MKT619-Final Project Marketing 2016 which will be evaluated according to the instructions/guidelines, formats and comments given by the Course Instructor in the final (revised) proposal.
Ø Presentation & viva voce will be held after the announcement of the result of Project/Dissertation. Only those students will be called for presentation & viva voce who will pass the written work (Final (revised) Proposal & Project/Dissertation) and whose Job Confirmation Letter will have been accepted by the Documents Evaluation Committee.
Ø Final result of the course will be based on successful completion of each and every stage (submission) separately as well as jointly.
Ø For the sake of guidance, VULMS of this course is enriched with contents such as FAQs, formats, general guidelines, presentation guidelines as well as rules & regulations. Furthermore, semester calendar is uploaded on VULMS pertaining to submission of various documents so that students may be able to streamline their activities with respect to the specified deadlines, as late submissions will not be entertained at all.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation of the course MKT619: Final Project is based on pass/fail criteria. Marks have NOT been allocated to any submission or activity and no grade point of this course will be added to the CGPA. However, as it is a compulsory course, therefore, it is necessary to pass this course to fulfill the requirements of the degree program
Some Necessary docuements
Presentation_template new1.ppt
Plagiarism Sensitisation Document.pdf
Evaluation form.pdf
1.Comparison of product strategies of SONY TV with those of LG TV
3.Comparison of product strategies of COCA COLA with those of PEPSI
4.Comparison of pricing strategies of Mobilink Jazz with Ufone in prepaid packages
5.Comparison of pricing strategies of Toyota Coralla with those of Honda City
6.Comparison of pricing Strategies of Adidas with Nike
7.A comparative study of the pricing strategies of Qatar Airways and PIA
8.Comparison of distribution strategies of COCA COLA beverages with those of PEPSI
9.Comparison of distribution strategies of Honda CD-70 In Pakistan with those of
11.Comparison of distribution strategies of Walls with those of Omore
12.Comparison of distribution strategies of PEL with those of Dawlance
13.Comparison of distribution strategies of Haleeb milk with those of Olpers milk
14.Comparison of advertising strategies of Haleeb milk with those of Olpers milk
15.Comparison of advertising strategies of ufone with those of zong
16.Comparison of advertising strategies of “WALLS” & “OMORE”
17.Comparison of CRM of bank Alfalah and Standard Chartered Bank
18.Comparison of CRM of Ufone and Telenor in postpaid connection
19.Evaluation of brand loyalty of Tapal in comparison with Lipton
20.Comparison of brand loyalty of HONDA CITY and TOYOTA COROLLA XLI
21.Comparison of brand loyalty of PEPSI vs. Coke
22.Comparison of brand loyalty of WARID post-paid with Mobilink Indigo
23.Comparison of brand loyalty of Telenor with Ufone in postpaid connections
24.Analysis of consumers’ preferences for KFC in comparison with McDonalds
25.Analysis of consumer preferences towards Daewoo Bus Service
Dear Students Select any topic and send it us, We MKT619-Final Project Marketing 2016 will prepare your Final Project on Demand
We are Professional for writing MKTI619-Internship reports and MKT619 Projects,as well final Project Proposal. if you wish we will work on your Report or Project then Contact us
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