Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Abstract/Introduction is a kind of classified website, on which we allow druggies to place their advertisements regarding their vehicle/ motorcycle. Dealer and buyer both can post their advertisements on it, but to post their advertisements they’ve to setup a free account. Dealer can post announcement for a motorcycle, auto, jeepetc. which he/ she wants to vend. Buyer can post announcement about its demand about any type of vehicle and can also see the advertisements of different merchandisers. This kind of website is dynamic in nature where stoner interacts with this kind of website. Website also gives the installation of transferring SMS cautions or emails to both the buyers and dealer, for illustration a dealer posts an announcement for a auto. Buyer likes this announcement and give his/ her offer to dealer also this offer is transferred to dealer in the form of SMS alert or dispatch alert. Also, in case of buyer, if buyer wants to buy a auto or a motorcycle about which an announcement isn’t yet available on the website, he/ she posts the announcement on point and if a dealer has that particular auto or motorcycle also that dealer can shoot him/ her SMS alert or dispatch through this Website.
Functional Conditions
1. Admin shall be suitable to manage druggies
2. Caller should be suitable to register with website
3. Admin will authorize the stoner enrollment request
4. Website should also give the installation of managing different vehicle orders, like motorcycle, auto, jeepetc. so that buyer/ dealer can post advertisements or see advertisements under asked vehicle order
5. Rearmost add should be shown in right side of home runner 6. All advertisements will be dispatch vindicated.
7. Once a vehicle is vended, stoner can change its status to vended.
8. Announcement should automatically be removed from website after 14 days from its post date.
9. Website should also give the point of power announcement to the stoner, for illustration after posting announcement an option is given to every stoner to covert this announcement into a power announcement against somecost.However, like 15 or 20 days, If stoner elect this option also his/ her announcement should be on the top of the runner every time for some specific days.
10. Stoner can view advertisements by megacity wise, area wise, or by minimal and maximum range of price
.11. Website should also show the trend of utmost demanding vehicles and this trend and information should available nearly on home runner.
You barrels use any langue like Python,, PHP etc.

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