Online Animal Booking System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online Animal Booking System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
In this challenge, we will create a website which incorporates photographs and data approximately numerous animals for Eid Ul Azha. As we recognize, in this covid pandemic, it’s hard to head and spend time in trying to find appropriate animals. So, from this internet site it’d be smooth to choose an animal from your property after which just pay and choose them afterwards from a certain vicinity. Animals may be classified according to their age, breed and size.

Functional Requirements:
1. Login:
Admin and consumer will login to the system the use of identity and password.
2. Add Animals:
Admin will add all of the vital facts regarding animal whether or not its goat, camel, cow or sheep. Information have to also consist of: animals age, rate, breed, popularity and its seller and so forth.
3. Update Animals Information:
Admin also can replace any statistics regarding animals.
Four. Search Information:
Customer can seek records based on one-of-a-kind categories like their age, breed, fee, popularity etc.
Five. Change Animals Status:
Admin can also change animal’s status to “Not on the market” in case a few mishap occurs with a positive animal. This is likewise applicable whilst sure animal receives bought.
6. Animal Booking:
Customer can e-book animals on line, consequently ensuing in alternate of the repute of animal to be “booked”. But patron has to pay in man or woman even as picking the animal. But if purchaser fails to seem at the web site inside 3 hours of booking then animal can be up for sale once more with the aid of changing its repute to “Open on the market”.

• Visual Studio
• SQL Server
• Tomcat or another webserver

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