Online Babysitters Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable
Project Domain / Category Web application
Abstract / Introduction:
A study on employed parents published by the International Journal of Human Resources indicates the challenges faced by job parents in managing their day-to-day life along with their parenting responsibilities. The main challenges faced by working parents as per the journal include Stereotyping, Exhaustion, change in work schedules, and career growth opportunities. Most parents are struggling to deal with all their responsibilities at once. Online Babysitting Applications can be very helpful for employed parents. Online babysitting platforms allow them to search for sitters by location, experience, specific skills, and rates. This application will allow working parents to find part-time or full-time babysitting and childcare options as per their requirements. Moreover, It helps parents to enroll their child in daycare without standing in a queue.“ Online Babysitting Application contains data of the user who want to enroll in baby daycare activities on daily basis. The main purpose of the Online Babysitting Application is to systematically record, store and update recorded data. Functional Requirements:
- The admin can update his/her profile, Change their password and log out.
- The admin must design the form to enroll the child, Form will consists of all required information such as Name, Address, Contact Number, Emergency Contact Number.
- The admin must design the form to register babysitters as well. Form will consists of all required information such as Name, Address, Contact Number, and Emergency Contact Number, working as part time or full time sitter.
- The admin can briefly view the total babysitter, total subscribers, total services, total new enrollment, total accepted enrollment, total reject enrollment, and total-hold enrollment on Dashboard.
- The admin can manage offered services(Add/Update/Delete).
- The admin can manage the babysitter(Add/Update/Delete).
- The admin can manage the about us and contact us pages.
- The admin can view the enrollment details in a particular period and search enrollment.
- User can visit the website and check the detail of babysitters and services.
- User can view detail of services which is provided by daycare.
- In this section, user can enroll their child.
- In this section, user can view detail of babysitters who work in a daycare.
- User can see the details of the website.
- User can see the contact detail and contact the website administrator. Tools:
C Sharp, PHP, MySQL, Xammp, Notepad++, or as per your choice.
Note: More functionalities and be also be added into the project by students both at Admin or User side.
Name: Dr. Nida Anwar