ONLINE CAR POOLING SYSTEM Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

ONLINE CAR POOLING SYSTEM Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Web Operation
Abstract/ Preface
Managing air and noise pollution is still considered one of the most grueling tasks currently. Several contributing factors make it to get severe day by day. One of the most contributing factors for air and noise pollution is that utmost people depend on private vehicle.
“ Auto Pooling System” is an operation that allows several individualities to combine in a single- auto, in this way it reduces air and noise pollution. Also, all the actors also partake the chow performing in fiscal benefits as well. The carpooling system allows people to partake their frugality as they partake their lifts with every member in the auto.
Functional Conditions
1. Druggies will be suitable to produce an account by subscribing up a form.
2. The form will correspond of introductory information similar as name, address, phone# and dispatch address for future reference.
3. Druggies will be suitable to elect one part i.e. either a auto proprietor or passenger.
4. The auto proprietor will be suitable to enter details about their buses i.e. model, seats available, brand,etc.
5. Auto possessors will be suitable to enter their diurnal route.
6. Auto possessors will be suitable to enter seat capacity available.
7. Auto possessors will be suitable to appearance and departure timing.
8. Auto possessors will be suitable to authorize or disapprove a passenger’s request.
9. Passengers will be suitable to enter their asked route.
10. Passengers will be suitable to enter their asked vehicle.
11. Passengers will be suitable to enter their asked appearance and departure timing.
12. Passengers will be suitable to shoot requests to auto possessors for reserving lifts.
13. A drooling option must be handed to passengers and possessors for agitating other details.
PHP, MySQL, Xammp, Notepad.

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