Online Children Vaccination System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online Children Vaccination System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Category: Web Application

Abstract /


In this project, we will build a web-based application named as “Online Children Vaccination System”, in which the parents will registered their babies and get a detailed plan of vaccination and get vaccinated accordingly and get certificate on completion.

The admin will provide all the details of vaccination and generate the completion certificate of vaccination on course completion.

Features of the proposed features: Admin Panel features:

  1. The admin can login and logout.
  2. The admin can add, view, and edit the medical staff and health center details.
  3. The admin will assign the medical staff or health center to the newly registered user.
  4. The admin will provide the complete schedule of vaccination to the user. In order to develop the vaccination schedule, kindly visit the following link, you will find important information:

  1. The admin will assign vaccination day. Also provide all the details of vaccination such as which vaccine will be provided, which diseases will be prevented from the vaccine, etc. etc.
  2. The admin will provide the next vaccination date to the user. The next date should be based on the date of birth and should be according to the plan given in the shared video link.
  3. The admin can send message/email to the registered user before two days of the vaccination day.
  4. The admin will generate vaccination completion certificate, when the user complete the vaccination course.
  5. The admin can generate different reports by yearly, monthly, weekly such as vaccinated babies, total number of born babies, gender wise reports, city wise reports etc. etc.


Parent/User Panel features:

  1. The user can login and logout.
  2. The user register his/her baby for vaccination by providing all the relevant information such as: baby name, father name and CNIC number, mother name and CINIC number, gender, date of birth, address etc.
  3. After the registration, the user have to select an option from “Vaccination at Home” or “Vaccination at Health Center”.
  4. If the user select “Vaccination at Home”, then all the details of the medical staff should be visible to the user. For example, the medical staff name, CNIC no, contact number etc.
  5. If the user select “Vaccination at Health Center”, then all the details of the health center should be visible to the user such as health center name, contact number, address etc.
  6. After the selection of home or health center, the complete schedule of vaccination should be visible to the user.
  7. The vaccination date should be visible to the user, similarly the user can view the vaccine name, diseases that it prevents, etc. etc.
  8. On the mention date, the children will be vaccinated and once the vaccination is done, the next vaccination date should be assigned to the user.
  9. The user can receive a message or an email two days before the next vaccination day.

10.The user can record his/her feedback after the vaccination.

11.After the completion of vaccination course, the user can download the vaccination completion certificate.

12.The user can update his/her profile.


XAMPP Server, MySQL, PHP language

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