Online College Examination System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online College Examination System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Category: Web Programming

Abstract /


ABC College is using an online platform for conducting examinations through websites. Developing an online examination system that works on a web-based platform can help in conducting exams from any location in a short span of time and students from any location can appear in exams. The examination system works as an online web portal, where students, admin, and lecturers can be part of this portal by registering with the application. Admin will add teachers and students can register with the application and view all tests available and take tests and view results and grades.



There will be three modules i.e., admin, student and teacher.


  1. Admin can view students who are registered with the application.
  2. Admin can add teachers based on department and view tests and marks of students.


  1. Teachers can log in with a valid user name and password.
  2. Teachers can upload test detail with questions and time for each test along with positive and negative marks for answers.


  1. Students can register with the application.
  2. Students can select a test and take the test.
  3. Students can view marks, results, ranking, and history.


PHP Language and MySQL Database for developing Online Grocery Shop.

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