Online Doctor Search and Appointment System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online Doctor Search and Appointment System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Abstract / Introduction
The proposed undertaking is a clever appointment booking device that provides patients or any user an smooth manner of looking a medical doctor as consistent with physician’s specialization and reserving a medical doctor’s appointment online. This assignment additionally presents a platform for doctors to create their profile in order that a person or affected person can search them and e-book an appointment.

This is a web primarily based application that overcomes the issue of managing and booking appointments in step with consumer’s choice or demands. The project occasionally becomes very tedious for the physician himself / herself in manually meting out appointments for the users as according to their availability. Hence this assignment offers an powerful answer where customers can select a physician and consider various booking slots to be had and pick the desired date and time for the selected medical doctor. The already booked space might be marked yellow and will no longer be available for all people else for the specified time. This gadget also permits customers to cancel their reserving anytime.

Functional Requirements:
This project has three most important actors:
1. Administrator
2. Doctor
three. Patient or user

The functional requirement for every actor is given under:

1. Functional requirements for Administrator
a. Login
b. Approve or disapprove a doctor
c. Add, update, delete and think about specializations
d. Add update, delete and look at places
e. Book, cancel and examine user’s appointments
f. Add, update, delete and View docs
g. Add, replace, delete and View customers

2. Functional necessities for Doctor
a. Register
b. Login
c. Upload and update profile, the profile have to consist of medical doctor’s call, Doctor’s Picture, doctor’s introduction, doctor’s qualification, experience, place, charge, availability days, timing slots, and clinic name.
D. View booked appointments
e. Cancel an appointment
f. View information of personal patients

3. Functional requirements for consumer or affected person

a. Register
b. Login
c. Upload and edit profile, the profile need to encompass affected person’s name, age, e mail address, cellphone number and deal with.
D. Search a physician according to unique filters (Specialization, price, place, and availability and many others.)
e. Book an appointment in step with availability, if a slot is already booked it should be marked yellow and this slot can not be selected for reserving.
F. Cancel appointment.
G. After a success appointment reserving, an electronic mail notification should be sent to patient’s email deal with.

• PHP and MySQL (You can choose any framework which include Laravel)
• Bootstrap or any other CSS Framework
• Any JavaScript library/ framework together with jQuery, Vue Js, react Js or angular Js.

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