Online Exam Scheduling Application Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online Exam Scheduling Application Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain / Category Webbased


Abstract/Introdu ction

This application will generate the exam schedule for the students enrolled in a semester offered by an educational institute. Usually, for every semester, an exam schedule is manually prepared keeping in view the students enrollment in different courses, available time slots, and examination halls.

It is also considered that if a student is enrolled in more than one course, then exam for those courses must not be scheduled on the same day in the same time slot. Similarly, an examination hall cannot be used for scheduling more than one course on the same day in the same time slot. In order to generate the exam schedule, user will be required to provide list of offered courses, list of students enrolled in those courses, available time slots and the list of available examination halls.



Based on the user input, the application will be able to maintain the list of:

  • Offered courses
  • Students enrollment in the offered courses
  • Available time slots
  • Available examination halls

The application will:

  • Generate exam schedule for each course and for each student considering the above mentioned lists and avoiding any clash/conflict
  • Provide an option to save/export the generated exam schedule course-wise and studentwise

Tools: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL

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