Online Live Stock Farm Manager Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online Live Stock Farm Manager Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable


This system will allow live stock farm management operations. It will support multi branch (called farms or stations) to record, manage and analyze cattle data. The system will support following form of cattle only:

  • Cow
  • Buffalo

The system will allow user to enter day to day data of all animals, to a central place. The users will be able to edit data as per rules defined. The main data entry/editing will be for animal birth, disease, treatment, milk production etc.

Functional requirements

It would support four categories of users namely:  Super User

  • Live Stock Manage [Country Level]
  • Farm Manager [Farm or Station level]
  • DEOs (Data Entry Operators) [Farm or Station level]
  1. System provides authenticated and authorized access.
  2. Different users have different time period for any edition in existing records (it will be based upon the record entry date and time).
  3. System allows data entry of protein and fat along with milk production.
  4. System manages the fodder record.
  5. System maintains the record of all the animals by their ID.
  6. System can automatically fill all missed record on behalf of trend of milk production (increased/decreased etc.) for limited no of days.
  7. The user can edit the record of his assigned station only.
  8. System allows Super User and Live Stock Manager to generate various reports.
  9. Any report data can be exported to MS Excel.

10.The DEO and Farm Manager user is able to manage:

  1. Disease Record
  2. Breeding and Reproduction Record
  3. Disposal Record
  4. Bull Service Record
  5. Calf Status Record
  6. Fertility Position Record
  7. Milk Production Record

Tools: You can use any tool which meets the functional requirements.


Name: Syed Shah Muhammad Shah

Email ID:

Skype ID: mscsvu

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