Online Mobile Shop Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Online Mobile Shop Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Project Domain / Category Web based Application



In this era of technology, Mobile Phones are becoming almost a necessity for every person. Due to advancements in technology, people always remain in the search for new mobiles and accessories. Many people often pass through the process of buying and selling the mobiles. For this purpose, majority of people search for online shops that may fulfill their requirements in efficient way.


The project entitled “Online Mobile Phone Shop” enables customer to buy mobiles and accessories from anywhere through web. This application allows the user to access all the products available. To buy products, customer has to create an account. Those who does not have an account, they can only view the available product. They can’t buy it. This application helps customer to find different mobiles and their features easily. The admin has the authority to Add, Delete, and Update etc. The application will help in easy maintaining and updating products in the website for the administrator.


Functional Requirements:

Following are the key functional requirements of proposed Project: There will be three types of users of the website:

  • Unregistered User
  • Registered User
  • Administrator



The admin has the authority to Add, Delete, and Update etc. Admin will enter the Login Id and password then application will verify login Id and password is valid or not. If both things (ID and Password) verified then admin will be directed to next page where he can add, delete or update the products.


Unregistered User:

Unregistered users means those who does not have an account, they can only view the available product. They cannot buy it.


Registered User:

Users have to register on the website in order to make a transaction. Registered users not only can view the products, they can also add the product to the cart and also can place an order to buy those products. The account creation will be done by filling the registration form with user details such as name, phone, email etc.


Following are the features which must be present in this application:


  1. There will be a drop down list box for login from where a user has to select ADMIN or USER
  2. Products must have information regarding the mobiles such as its name, model, color, price information, and its features
  3. Accessories of the Mobile phone will be available with its name, pictures and price information
  4. There will be a search option that will help the user to search based on budget or interest. The search can be done on different categories like mobile company name, model number, color, price
  5. There will be option of magnifying the pictures of mobile phones and accessory
  6. There will be the option of comparison between two mobile
  7. There will be option for users that they can select any number of available Mobiles and accessory items and add to the cart. They can also remove an item from the cart if they dislike it
  8. There will be Payment information that will include information like the model purchased, quantity, mode of payment
  9. There will be Stock Option that will give the details regarding the products available for sale. In case if item is not available in stock then it will show “out of stock message”.
  10. There will be a feedback option for users where they will be able to submit their feedbacks regarding




Microsoft.Net, Java, HTML, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL




Name: Sohail Aamir Email ID: Skype ID: sohailaamir22


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