Online Used Cars Sale and Purchase System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online Used Cars Sale and Purchase System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain /

Category Web Application

Abstract /


Online used cars sale and purchase system is a platform where users can easily perform selling and buying of used vehicles. This website will allow sellers to add used vehicles with their particulars and vehicle details. Sellers can list the vehicle for sale to the buyers.

Buyers can register and login themselves on the website. They can view all used vehicles and can contact the seller. Admin will be responsible for different tasks such as approve/reject listed vehicle by the seller and approve/reject registration requests from sellers and buyers etc.



This system will have four different users:

  1. Administrator
  2. Seller
  3. Buyer
  4. Guest
  5. Functiona lities of

Administr ator

  1. Add/Approve/reject registration requests
  2. Add / update /delete /Approve/reject listed vehicles
  3. Add / update /delete car models
  4. Add / update /delete vehicle categories
  1. Functiona lities of


  1. Registration/login to the system
  2. Add/update contact details
  3. List vehicle by providing all relevant details (Vehicle make, vehicle model, registration city, color, model year etc.)
  4. Update listed vehicle information
  1. Functiona lities of


  1. Registration/login to the system
  2. Add/update contact details
  3. Search listed vehicle by different parameters such as (Vehicle make, vehicle model, registration city, color, model year etc.)
  4. View vehicle details
  5. View contact details of seller
  1. Functiona lities of


  1. Search listed vehicle by different parameters such as (Vehicle make, vehicle model, registration city, color, model year etc.)
  2. View vehicle details


Server side scripting technology PHP/
DBMS SQL/MySQL/Oracle, etc.
Code Editors Sublime Text, PHP storm, Visual studio, etc.


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