Online Vehicle Sales Management System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Online Vehicle Sales Management System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable


Project Domain / Category

Web Application



This system is responsible for managing the sales of vehicles. Registration process that includes information on vehicle registration number, the type of that vehicle, and other related information. Besides, the system is responsible for managing the login and logout function for the user who uses this system. The staffs that use this system will have access to key in the information of new vehicles, and keep track the record of the vehicles problem. Besides that, the proposed system also provides data analysis during a certain period of time. For example, the system might be able to help the staffs at the department to analyze and mark out the data in the database maybe when a vehicle is sold.


Functional Requirements:

  1. Your system will allowed different users to use the web application having different roles and rights. Like Supervisor will keep track of all the rented vehicles. Users that are allowed to see the list of available vehicles. Account manager will keep track of all the financial
  2. System will keep record of all the vehicles that are rented out. Supervisor can see the status of all the vehicles that are rented out and also show the available
  3. Web application also manage different vehicles having some problems. Supervisor can see the list of vehicles having problems. System is also able to see the sorted list of vihicles having problems. Like engine, tyres and battery related
  4. Web application is also able to display and analyze the sold out vehicles. In case of new purchasing system is able to display newly purchased cars in the
  5. System is also able to handle the special discount in case of Army, doctors or Teachers. These persons are offered with special
  6. User can see the price list of all the vehicles to be rented out. Price list include the hour based and date wise details of different


  1. System keeps record of historical data of users. Supervisor be able to search the previous users on the basis of CNIC number. In case of any damage to the vehicles these users are to be blocked in
  2. In case of repairing of damage vehicles supervisor is able to search out the nearly located



Tools: JSP, Tomcat Webserver, SQL Server.



Supervisor: Name: Muhammad Umar Farooq Email ID:

Skype ID: live:umarvc

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