Orphanage Management App Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Orphanage Management App Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction

The Final Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said, “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this”, and he held his two fingers together to illustrate. – Sahih Al-Bukhari (Vol: 8, Book: 73, Hadith: 34)

If a child has no parents because the parents died or lost custody, then the child is considered an orphan. An orphanage is a residential institution for the care and education of orphans. However, in orphanages, most of the tasks are performed manually, thus making it very tedious to organize, store and retrieve historical data for kids. This motivates to develop an application to ease the administrative activities for these kinds of organizations.

Orphanage Management App is an Android based application which has two types of login; Admin and Donor. Admin can perform administrative tasks, like; enrollment of a new orphan, modification in orphan’s record and generation of notifications to donors for help in case of any shortage of food, cloth or money. While a donor can donate online, request for adoption and view orphanage details etc.



Functional requirements are as follows:

  1. Users: The app must support two types of users; Admin and Donor
    1. Admin:
      • Login
      • Add/update orphans profile (name, age, photo etc.)
      • Update orphanage details (address, location etc.)
      • View online transactions
      • View donor’s feedback
      • Schedule meetings (for adoption process)
      • Generate notifications (to get help from donors etc.)
    2. Donor:
      • Register
      • Login
      • View orphanage details (address, location etc.)
      • Manage E-Wallet (for online donation)
      • Request for meeting (for adoption process)
      • Give feedback
      • Receive notifications
    3. Authentication: App should provide registration (for donor only) and login GUIs (e. Graphical User Interfaces) for both (admin and donor); store users’ credentials at Firebase Authentication.
  • Databases: Firebase Real-Time Database should be used as an online server for storing all data; use JSON format in this regard. However, for app internal storage, SQLite or Room database should be implemented.
  1. Google Maps: Donor should be able to locate the orphanage via Google Maps.
  2. Online Payment: App should provide interface to pay donation online by using E-Wallet; provide add money (using debit/credit card) and view balance options.
  3. Orphans Profile: App must provide GUIs to create a profile for each kid, where admin can add name, date of birth, gender and photo etc.
  • Search Feature: By using it, a donor can search about kids from orphans profile and request for a meeting for adoption purpose.
  • Notifications: App should send proper notifications to donors with high priority so that the needy could be helped timely.


  1. IDE: Android Studio
  2. Programming Language: Java/Kotlin
  3. Databases: Firebase Real-Time Database & SQLite/Room

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