POS Online Inventory and Accounts App. Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

POS Online Inventory and Accounts App. Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Mobile Application
Abstract/ Preface
The operation POS online Inventory and Accounts must be well designed engaged with the force control of different deals as shopping wain, purchase and product. The business can elect workers endless/ diurnal stipend for different jobs and can view their Inventory Control/ product detail with complete Account book and report. This platform can be run as pure business purposes, so proper report needed for force deals, purchase, product and accounts.
Functional Conditions
1. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view reports of cash deals by date and Type.
2. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view shopping wain deals by date and Type.
3. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view reports of credit card deals by date and Type.
4. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view reports of Product force.
5. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view reports of purchase force.
6. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view reports of payments and sale by dealers.
7. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view reports of payments and sale by broker.
8. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search enterprise complete accounts with reports.
9. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search staff endless/ diurnal stipend by first name, Last name, CNIC, contact number, qualification, experience and payment/ diurnal paycheck.
10. Admin/ system can add, modify, cancel and search/ view reports of hand’s job and payments record.
11. Guests can produce their log in and profile by first name, Last name, sphere, address, contact no and date of enrollment
.12. Admin/ system can add first name, Last name, Vender CNIC, seller address, seller contact no and merchandisers force.
13. Admin/ system can add first name, Last name, Dealer CNIC, Dealer address, Dealer contact no and Dealers force.
Non-Functional Conditions
The mobile operation must be Android- grounded, and its data is to be managed using SQLite. Also, the operation should be fluently accessible to druggies, secured, scalable and well performing. Those criteria are what would make the operation stand up from a simple operation to a product that can be delivered and used by real life guests. Still, the focus is more on enforcing the operation using the new tools before considering these enterprise operation features.
Android Studio/ Eclipse/ NetBeans
Programming language (Frontend XML, Backend Java)
. Database (SQLite or any ultramodern database language)

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